Invoke the tool with jirametrics [command] [options]


The most common command you’ll run is jirametrics go. This will download all the new issues from Jira and will then generate a report or a CSV, depending on how it’s configured.

If you’re making changes to your configuration then you might want to skip the download step each time as that’s the most time-consuming part. In that case, you can call jirametrics download just to download issues and jirametrics export to generate the output, as two separate steps.

Command Description
go Same as calling download, followed by export. It’s just a shorter way to do it all at once.
download Download all the data from Jira
export Generate the respective output files. These could be CSV’s or HTML reports, as specified in the configuration
info Dump information about a specific issue to the terminal. This is really intended as a debugging tool for the developers but we’re making it accessible for everyone. Usage: jirametrics info ABC-123. Requires v2.7


Option Description
config By default, the tool assumes that you’ve put your configuration in a file called config.rb. If you want to use different names then you can specify that with the --config <filename> option. This is useful if you want to have multiple configuration files and only call one or another.
name If you have a large configuration file and only want to run a subset of the projects within it, you can use the --name <name> option. Example: jirametrics go --name "a*" will run all the projects starting with the letter ‘a’. The name it compares against is the one specified on the project section.